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  • Smart SHading

    Innovative Shading Solutions for Your Home or Business

Smart Shading specialises in providing shading solutions and high-end window blinds. Our products include blinds, curtains & exterior shading that help to provide privacy, control light, and add a touch of elegance to residential and commercial properties. We also offer customisable options and exceptional customer service to meet the unique needs of each of our clients.

Our Partners are the best in the field

Here at Smart Shading, we want to offer the very best. That’s why we have partnered with many of the industries leading suppliers to give you the best products available. This combined with our knowledge and expertise gives all our clients the confidence that you are in the right hands. 

We started our own business exactly 10 years ago.
Our target was to do what we love – Follow our passion.
See the full story behind Craft.

Andrew F. Richard


Jack B. Corvin


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